Invest & Develop
For up to date economic development information and data on our industries, workforce, and much more, please visit our data profiles provided by RMED:
Invest MB
The Right Location, the Right Services and the Right Costs — Without the Red Tape. Businesses operating in Manitoba have access to a wide range of incentives and programs, helping them maximize the return on their investment and thrive. The Province of Manitoba offers several programs targeted for both individuals and the business community designed to encourage and facilitate entrepreneurial and employment opportunities.
Learn about local, provincial, and federal incentives which may be applicable to your development project.
Local Incentives
Town of Beausejour offers an Economic Development Grant to encourage non-profit or not for profit organizations to construct new multi-unit Senior Housing (i.e Life Lease) within Town of Beausejour boundaries.
An application approved by resolution of Council shall be entitled to a grant as follows:
- The grant can be put in place for a maximum of 5 years
- The annual grant will be equivalent to 50% of the early property taxes.
- Property taxes would be considered general municipal taxes only and not any type of Local Improvement Taxes or School Taxes.
Manitoba Works Capital Incentive
The Manitoba Works Capital Incentive encourages significant new business investment or existing business expansion by creating a competitive tax environment to help diversify Manitoba’s economy and stimulate job creation. The proponent of an approved project under the incentive receives a tax rebate of the incremental education property taxes that are generated as a result of capital investment on the approved property for a period of up to 20 years or until education property taxes are eliminated, whichever is sooner.
Innovation Growth Program
This program provides cost-sharing assistance to Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) to assist them in developing and commercializing new innovative products and processes. The IGP will support SMEs in the development and growth stages of the business life-cycle to reduce the risks associated with innovative product development, accelerate growth and strengthen their financial position so they can secure future funding to build their Manitoba-based business.
Tax Credits
Community Enterprise Development Tax Credit (CEDTC)
The CEDTC provides a refundable Manitoba tax credit of up to 45% to individuals and corporations who acquire equity capital in community-based enterprises in Manitoba.
Manitoba Interactive Digital Media Tax Credit (MIDMTC)
The MIDMTC is a refundable corporate income tax credit which provides up to a 40% credit on qualified labour expenditures, and some marketing and distribution expenses, incurred in the development of eligible interactive digital media products for market.
Small Business Venture Capital Tax Credit Program (SBVCTC)
The SBVCTC provides a non-refundable Manitoba tax credit of up to 45% to individuals and corporations who acquire equity capital in eligible Manitoba enterprises.
Employee Share Purchase Tax Credit
The Employee Share Purchase Tax Credit offers employees (including directors and officers of an eligible corporation) the opportunity to buy into and own a portion of a business under an Employee Share Ownership Plan.
Manitoba Grants Online
A one-stop portal for non-profit organizations to access a variety of government grants. Manitoba Grants Online currently features grant offerings from four departments – Municipal Relations, Agriculture, Sustainable Development and Sport, Culture and Heritage. Please visit this site in the future for access to even more grants from other departments as they join the portal.
Young Entrepreneurs Program
The Young Entrepreneurs Program encourages Manitoba’s young people to start their own full-time, viable businesses, and in the process pursue self-employment as a career choice. Applications are accepted on a year-round basis from youth aged 18 to 29 years. Under the Young Entrepreneurs program, approved applicants are eligible for a grant of up to $4,000 to help defray business start-up costs and capital expenditures.
Federal Incentives
Scientific Research and Experimental Development Tax Incentive Program
LEARN MOREThe Scientific Research and Experimental Development (SR&ED) Program is a federal tax incentive program that encourages Canadian businesses of all sizes, in all sectors, to do research and development in Canada.
Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit Program
LEARN MOREThe primary objective of the Canadian Film or Video Production Tax Credit (CPTC) is to encourage Canadian programming and to stimulate the development of an active domestic independent production sector. The CPTC program gives a tax credit to qualified corporations producing Canadian film or video productions. Canadian control requirements ensure that the incentive is available only to Canadian-controlled companies.
Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit Program
LEARN MOREUnder the Film or Video Production Services Tax Credit (PSTC), the federal government provides incentives to stimulate job growth by encouraging Canadians as well as foreign-based film producers to employ the services of Canadians.
Canada Export Community Investment (CECI)
LEARN MOREAs one of the many tools deployed by the Government of Canada to increase prosperity, the CanExport Community Investments program provides financial support to communities for their foreign direct investment (FDI) initiatives and activities.
The program provides support to Canadian communities seeking to improve their capacity to attract, retain and expand FDI in order to create jobs for Canadians, support innovation and increase exports.
For the purposes of the program, FDI refers to international businesses establishing or expanding operations in Canada. The program does not fund initiatives related to mergers and acquisitions, investments from other parts of Canada, trade or export. The program supports non-profit partnerships at the local community level. The initiatives supported by the program must focus on supporting the attraction, retention, and expansion of foreign direct investment through specific types of activities.
Non-repayable contributions range from $3,000 to $500,000, and agreements are made for a one-year period, from January 1 to December 31. The program provides reimbursement of up to 50 percent of eligible expenses. If an applicant accesses other federal government support, the total federal support cannot exceed 50 percent.
Aboriginal Business and Entrepreneurship Development
LEARN MOREThis program is for Aboriginal entrepreneurs and communities. Through this program businesses can apply for up to $99,999 to help with: starting or buying a business; developing a business plan; growing existing business; marketing; development of new products; business advice; and more.
ABED works with Aboriginal entrepreneurs and its partners to provide a range of services and supports that promote the growth of a strong Aboriginal business sector in Canada. Support will vary depending upon the needs of the client, the availability and sources of funding, the eligibility of costs, the economic benefits, and the project viability. ABED can help Aboriginal entrepreneurs, communities, and organizations to achieve their business goals.
LEARN MOREAgriInvest helps you manage small income declines, and provides support for investments to mitigate risks or improve market income. Your AgriInvest account builds as you make annual deposits based on a percentage of your Allowable Net Sales and receive matching contributions from federal, provincial, and territorial governments.
You can deposit up to 100% of your Allowable Net Sales annually, with the first 1% matched by governments. The maximum Allowable Net Sales you can have in a year is $1 million. Based on this limit, the maximum matchable deposit you can make annually is $10,000.
Apprenticeship Job Creation Tax Credit
LEARN MOREThis tax credit is for employers who hire an apprentice (in their first 2 years of an apprenticeship program). Employers are eligible for a tax credit equal to 10% of that person’s salary. The maximum credit is $2,000 per year per eligible apprentice. If you hire an apprentice, you could get a tax credit equal to 10% of that person’s salary. The maximum credit is $2,000 per year per eligible apprentice. You need to hire an apprentice who is:
- In the first 2 years of an apprenticeship program registered with the government
- In a trade like those listed under the Red Seal
- Working towards getting a certificate or license in that trade you can carry any unused credit back 3 years or carry it forward 20 years.
Canada Job Grant
LEARN MOREThe Canada Job Grant helps employers train new or existing employees for jobs that need to be filled. This flexible program is designed to meet the needs of businesses of all sizes, in all industries and regions. If you are an employer, you could get a grant to cover up to 2/3 of the costs of training for your employees. The maximum you may receive is $10,000 per grant.
Canada Summer Jobs
LEARN MOREThe Canada Summer Jobs program is a wage subsidy that helps employers pay up to 50% of the salary to hire an eligible full-time student during the summer.
Funding and Support Programs to do International Business
LEARN MORETake advantage of the numerous funding and support programs offered by the Trade Commissioner Service. We help Canadian companies take their business to the next level by providing financial support, matching them with potential foreign partners, and helping them to pursue partnership and commercialization opportunities in new markets.
We also offer programs to support community investment, associations, and specific entrepreneur groups, such as the Businesswomen in International Trade program.
Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program
LEARN MOREThe Youth Employment and Skills Strategy Program (YESS Program) aims to provide funding to organizations to deliver a range of activities to support young Canadians (aged 15 to 30) to develop the skills and gain the experience they need to find and keep quality jobs. Programming focuses on youth facing multiple barriers to employment. This includes a focus on inclusive skills and employment programming for youth with disabilities.
Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP)
LEARN MOREThe IRAP program provides financial support to qualified small and medium-sized enterprises in Canada to help them undertake technology innovation. Through the program employers can receive customized technical and business advice as well as non-repayable financial contributions to help them (1) research, develop, and commercialize new technologies and (2) accelerate the adoption and adaption of these technologies.
Opportunities Fund for Persons with Disabilities
LEARN MOREThis program is for persons with a disability who want to start a business or employers who would like to hire someone with a disability. Through this program entrepreneurs are eligible for financial assistance for training and employers are eligible for a wage subsidy that can cover a portion of a salary.
Strategic Innovation Fund
LEARN MOREThe Strategic Innovation Fund allocates repayable and non-repayable contributions to firms of all sizes across all of Canada’s industrial and technology sectors. The program has four streams, each with its own precise objective:
- Encourage R&D that will accelerate technology transfer and commercialization of innovative products, processes, and services;
- Facilitate the growth and expansion of firms in Canada;
- Attract and retain large scale investments to Canada; and
- Advance industrial research, development and technology demonstration through collaboration between academia, non-profit organizations, and the private sector.
Youth Employment Program
LEARN MOREProvides small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with financial assistance to hire young talent – specifically a post-secondary graduate to help with research, development, and or the commercialization of new technologies.
Note: All projects are subject to change and availability.
Community Enterprise Development Tax Credit Program
LEARN MOREThis program encourages Manitoban resident investors or eligible corporations to invest in specific community enterprises or in community development investment pools in their communities. Investors receive a 45% income tax credit on a maximum annual investment of $60,000 (up to $27,000 in tax credits).
Self-Employment Program
LEARN MOREThe program provides participants with the training and supports necessary to start a business by offering business planning, self-employment /entrepreneurial skills training (may include classroom instruction) and individual consulting. Participants of the program are eligible for up to 52 weeks of training and business supports with up to 39 weeks of income support.