Beausejour &
District Chamber
Of Commerce
‘Bringing Businesses Together’ since 1938.
To provide strong economic and community leadership to businesses, professionals, organizations, and members, that will create pride and opportunities for Beausejour and the surrounding area through co-operation and mutual respect.
Chamber Objectives
We strive to represent the best interests of the business community within Beausejour and its district, to network our local businesses into a cooperative unit that works toward the betterment of everyone. To work in collaboration with the Town of Beausejour and the R.M. of Brokenhead to maintain and enhance the economic vitality of the Beausejour / Brokenhead area and be a resource center providing pertinent information to our local businesses. To help our local businesses have a presence on the internet.
A voluntary alliance of businesses, professionals, individuals, and organizations investing in the future of the free enterprise system and our community’s quality of life. A network for you and your employees, providing contact with other firms doing business in the Beausejour area. We can provide you with information about our community, and about government programs to help out small businesses.
An active member of the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce – giving us representation to provincial government and opposition. and offering an opportunity to exclusive benefit packages.
- To serve Commerce and the Beausejour & District community, take and express positions and opinions on public issues on behalf of its membership.
- To promote the economic, civic, educational and cultural interests of the Town of Beausejour and the surrounding area.
- To communicate information on topical subjects of interest to the Chamber members.
- To facilitate business and social contact among members of the Chamber.
- To undertake and carry out projects and activities consistent with the foregoing objectives.
New business? Back in Business? Not a member?
Members of the Beausejour & District Chamber of Commerce have all the advantages of belonging to the locally based Chamber, as well as the Manitoba Chamber of Commerce.
- Networking to make important connections
- Group Health Benefits (optional)
- Members Benefits
- Referrals
- Speakers and Events
- Members First Advertising Opportunities
Invest in your future as a member of the Chamber.
Who We Are
The Beausejour & District Chamber of Commerce is an organized body of commerce minded individuals who fill the positions of President, 1st Vice President, Treasurer and a contract position of Executive Director. There are also six Director positions who lead various committees and projects involving Membership, Civic & Public Affairs, Retail Merchants, Tourism and Agriculture.
Chamber History
The History of the Beausejour & District Chamber of Commerce began in 1938 when it was founded by dedicated business leaders of our community. Over the years, leaders of our business community have served to provide education, leadership, unity, marketing ideas and entertainment for the betterment of our area.
1938- 2013, 75 years of Chamber History ‘Bringing Businesses Together’
In 2013 we celebrated our history of 75 years in our communities for the full year.
Over the years the Chamber’s membership has cycled with rises and falls of the economic health of the Beausejour area. Membership has varied from 48 to a peak of 104 members. The majority of the operation of the Chamber was dedicated to promoting and marketing commerce in the area, providing training for businesses, town beautification and leading and lobbying major civic changes in the district. The activities of the Chamber have varied over the years and our involvement has been from that of a leadership role to that of an information source for the RM of Brokenhead, Beausejour Council and various departments of the Provincial Government.
The Chamber continues to support the growth of the area welcoming new businesses and families into the community.
In 2014 our delegate, Past President Lea Bangert presented a Resolution on Healthcare affecting Manitoban’s provincially. The Resolution was approved and steps were taken by the MCC to take the concerns forward to the Manitoba government
Connect with the Chamber
Please check the Events Calendar for upcoming meetings and events.
Follow us on social media: Facebook or X
To get involved or for more information, contact:
Beausejour & District Chamber of Commerce
Box 224; Beausejour, MB R0E0C0
Phone: 204-268-3502